Marieka Turner, M.Ed.


Marieka Turner is the Health & Well-Being Coordinator for Residential Life. In this role, she hosts events that center around the eight dimensions of wellness. She also serves on the chairing committee for the Sexual Health Coalition (SHC). You can follow them on their social media channels at @uclashc! Marieka has a passion for sexual health education, sexual assault prevention, reducing stigma of receiving mental health care, & promoting holistic wellness. She earned her B.S. in Communication Studies from James Madison University and her M.Ed. in Counselor Education from Virginia Commonwealth University.

Favorite self-care practice:Marieka loves engaging in journaling activities at the beach. She likes to reflect on her life journey as the sounds of the waves provide comfort.

Fun Fact:Marieka has four tattoos. One of them is of Simba from The Lion King, her favorite movie.

What does wellness mean to you?

Wellness to her is focusing on how to take care of self daily. How am I honoring my needs both physically and mentally? How am I setting boundaries for myself and how am I communicating to others what I need for my overall wellness.